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            The first thing that comes to mind when women are spoken of is that they are weak and fragile. As a result of a patriarchal world where the masculine race dominates, women are treated as if they are inferior to men and that they are unable to do tasks that men can do. Because of this, our campaign entitled Bloom aims to prove that women can be as skilled and capable as men. It is our vision to water the flowery minds of women that were once withered due to the doubts instilled in them by men, in hopes of making them bloom once again. In order to make this vision a reality, it is our mission to spread the word about the triumphs of women so that others will be inspired to come out of their shell and break the stigma that women cannot be at par with men. It is also our group’s mission to execute this with authenticity and objectivity so that everyone may see that what we are promoting is relevant and valid in our world today.

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